The backing is made from cow belly leather, which is soft to protect your motorcycle's paint. Installation involves using a hexagonal shape to unscrew the seat to attach with a leather strap (included in the small bag on the front).
A perfect fit is guaranteed. Please remember that we are not a factory artisanry requires a little more time but the end result is definitely worth the wait.
The best bull and cow vegetable tanned leather, so all the small imperfections are guarantee of genuineness. All metal parts, buckles and rivets are made out of brass in order to avoid rust and to guarantee durability. Goods will be securely packed with bubble cushion wraps. All goods are 100% new condition and have never been used.
We are not responsible for the items that are abused or damaged intentionally. We do try our best to serve you to ensure your highest satisfaction. THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US.